The Vagabond's House Square Logo

Cancellation Policy

1 night is charged to confirm reservation.

All cancellation policies below apply when cancelling, shortening your stay, reducing number of rooms or early departure within the stated cancellation period.

Standard Cancellation:
within 7 days prior to arrival for full refund.

Events and Holidays not listed below:
Balance charged and becomes NON REFUNDABLE along with deposit  30 days prior to your arrival.

Concours d’Elegance/Car Week:
Balance charged and becomes NON REFUNDABLE along with deposit  60 days prior to your arrival.

AT&T ProAm Golf Tournament:
Balance charged and becomes NON REFUNDABLE along with deposit  60 days prior to your arrival.

Big Sur International Marathon:
Balance charged and becomes NON REFUNDABLE along with deposit  60 days prior to your arrival.

Poodle Day Weekend:
Balance charged and becomes NON REFUNDABLE along with deposit  60 days prior to your arrival.

Groups of 3 or 4 rooms:
Balance charged and becomes NON REFUNDABLE along with deposit  60 days prior to your arrival.

Groups of 5 or more rooms:
Balance charged and becomes NON REFUNDABLE along with deposit  120 days prior to your arrival.

We cannot accept a reservation checking in or out on Thanksgiving Day nor Christmas Day.